
Signs of spring are suddenly everywhere and if the weather is dry enough there’s plenty of gardening to be done.

Primroses are a sure sign of spring and our greenhouses are full of them, all sorts of shades and colours and scents. The early flowering drumstick primroses, (Primula denticulata) are ready now. Also look out for the wild primrose (Primula acaulis) and the cowslip (Primula veris).

These are just some of the early flowering plants among our ever growing range of hardy perennials (cottage garden plants), that are ready to plant now. All sorts of spring flowering bulbs are now showing their heads. Narcissi, hyacinths, crocus etc. all pushing into bloom. If you forgot to plant bulbs in the autumn, then don’t despair, we have a large range of spring flowering bulbs in pots.

VEGETABLES – Prepare seed beds. Plant early seed potatoes and protect from frost. Sow hardy vegetables when the soil warms up. Plant onion sets, shallots and garlic. Feed spring cabbages.

FRUIT – Prune blueberries, gooseberries and redcurrants. Plant new strawberry beds. Protect all newly emerging buds from bird damage, using netting. (We have various sizes of netting available at the nursery).

FLOWERS –  Prepare and plant new borders. Sow flower seeds in pots or trays. Begin feeding borders, using bone meal or well rotted farmyard manure.

GREENHOUSE –  Sow tender vegetables such as; tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers etc. Sow tender annuals. Pot on cuttings. Remember to ventilate well on warm days, but also to check heaters at night.

LAWNS – Rake lawns to remove thatch and moss. If it is warm and dry enough, continue to mow. Treat all lawns with weed and feed. (Everything you need for lawn care is available at Blenheim).